
倡議及策動, Latest News, 最新消息 | March 8th, 2012 |

緣起 「比理念,比政綱」理應是特首選舉過程中最重要環節。三位參選人的資格既然獲得確認,並且提出了各自的競選政綱,各選委以至廣大市民便應本著主人翁的態度認真研究審視,選出心目中理想的候選人。 「小圈子選舉」制度剝奪了全港絕大部份市民的選舉權,可是市民還是有...

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Albert Lai : Finding a fix

其他文章 | July 21st, 2011 | 2 Comments


Hong Kong people should create their own 'election platform' for the chief executive race, given that no potential candidate has yet come up with one that offers solutions to the city's problems